Orihime And Ulquiorra
Title: Fascination Author: A.K.A. Cezaria Fandom: Bleach Pairing: Ulquiorra Schiffer x Inoue Orihime (Abbr. UO) Spoilers: Up to chapter 284 Notice: (April 21, 2009) Part 2 can be found. Red text on pictures should never be taken seriously. I will laugh if you take it seriously. This started as a long, biased, fangirl rant that was intended as something fun to read for UO fans while we sit and wait for Kubo to release the Espada from his matchbox. Then suggested I post this here.
But I figured it was too informal to throw out to the open and it might annoy people who ship Ulquiorra or Orihime with anyone else. This called for a lot of rewriting and reorganizing. But anything is worth it for my OTP. I read the whole thing (again!) Great job on your new polished manifesto. ^^ (This is Peachilicious from BA by the way) It's interesting that you brought it up at the end, because that look that Ulquiorra gave Loli in 249 has.always. stood out to me. Long before the 'beating' scene even came out, I thought there was something strange about it.
As if maybe Ulquiorra and/or Aizen.knew. that those two would try to do something to Orihime. So when Ulquiorra goes to seek out Ichigo (which everyone agrees seems out of character for him), it's giving Loli and Menoli the opportunity to further crush Orihime's spirit.
Orihime Inoue is one of the main female characters in the manga series Bleach. Though Orihime tries to speak up, Ulquiorra demands that she remain silent and that the only word that she is. Ulquiorra intercepts Orihime and her allies in the Dangai. Ulquiorra cuts down one of her escorts only to have Orihime immediately prepare to heal him and advise the other one to run away, however, he is cut down as well, forcing Ayame to extend the healing shield to both of them, exhibiting Orihime's improved abilities. Ulquiorra overpowers and kills Ichigo, causing Orihime to panic. The last thing Ichigo hears is Orihime crying his name, which causes his own power, revive him, corrupt and turn him into his full Hollow form. Hollow-Ichigo then brutally beats Ulquiorra down, the only damage he took was to his mask, which was enough to cause Ichigo to change back.
Stateflow chart notation supports the representation of graphical object hierarchy in Stateflow charts with containment. Painted Objects That a State Can Contain States can contain all other Stateflow objects. Parallel to serial conversion simulink stateflow.
Orihime And Ulquiorra Fanfiction
And of course since those two are expendable, the consequences of their actions (ie. Grimmjow) aren't an issue.
That's my conspiracy theory, anyway. XD And I never noticed that anime easter egg! Haha wtf Ukelala, wtf.