Edgar Cayce Complete Readings Pdf File

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Full text of ' THE 'SLEEPING PROPHET' REVEALS MAN'S DESTINY EDGAR CAYCE'S STORY OF KARMA SELECTIONS, ARRANGEMENT AND COMMENTS BY MARY ANN WOODWARD INTRODUCTION BY Hugh Lynn Cayce EDGAR CAYC STORY OF KARMA SELECTIONS, ARRANGEMENT AND COMMENTS BY MARY ANN WOODWARD INTRODUCTION BY Hugh Lynn Cayce IS BERKLEY BOOKS, NEW YORK The records of an entity are written upon time and space as the skein of things. They may be called as images. For thoughts are things, and as they run so are the impressions made upon what we call time and space.

(1562-1) FOREWORD Edgar Cayce gave over fourteen thousand psychic readings, of which approximately one-third were life readings (accounts of past earth lives). These life readings reported some of the individual's former earth appearanc- es with their consequences. The readings used the term 'entity' to denote the complete individual, including the physical body, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, the astral body, the soul, and the superconscious mind. Capitals were used in the records for emphasis, where Edgar Cayce had spoken a little louder to emphasize something. This book has been prepared with the hope and prayer that the illustrations and the counsel given others will enable the reader to better understand himself and his purpose in life. MARY ANN WOODWARD INTRODUCTION Reincarnation is a foolish belief of ignorant masses that man is reborn as an insect or animal. Rebirth is a concept which it is not necessary to consider because Jesus came to die for our sins.

Reincarnation is, in various forms, a part of the beliefs of a number of major world religions and philosophies. It is intellectually stimulating. Rebirth is an acceptable idea. Karma is a universal law with which one should be working. Which of these is closest to your position? Is man reborn in one human form after another? Does he use his bodies, his homes, through which to express the 'real self' in different environments and through different hereditary strains?

But outstanding among all his accomplishments as a clairvoyant, mys- tic and prophet was his ability—through psychic readings as well as in his life teachings—to make the Bible live! Here are Edgar Cayce's profoundly magnificent revelations about God's love, reincarnation, humankind's spiritual role, and the true meaning. Cayce's psychic readings, stenographically recorded over a period of 43 years. Of this number 8,976, or about 64%, describe the physical disabilities of several thousand persons and suggest.

Is it possible that talents and abilities, as well as weaknesses and faults, are expressed and worked out from life to life as man grows toward God consciousness? Such urges, such tendencies, actually memories of the 'soul,' would be karrnic patterns. Mary Ann Woodward is a person who, in my opinion, has begun to work with karma as one of the important laws of life. She has taken literally Paul's admonition 'Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap'.

and examines it in the light of the psychic data in the Edgar Cayce readings on karma. Miss Woodward knew my father, Edgar Cayce, and had information from him in readings which, in her opinion, constructively affected her life.

She did not stop there, for she has gone On to study the readings and talk with other people who have tried to apply them. After writing and lecturing over a period of years for. Gal. The association which has preserved and is cataloguing, examining, and testing the readings, she is now able to bring to this book considerable new data from the Edgar Cayce files, some helpful insights, and illuminating comments on the subjects of rebirth and karma. This volume is a welcome addition to a growing list of commentaries on Edgar Cayce's psychic data. HUGH LYNN CAYCE I CONTENTS Foreword 5 Introduction 7 I. Meeting Self 11 IL Stumbling Blocks and Stepping-stones 25 m.

Physical Karma 43 IV. Memory: Our Good Karma— Talents, 89 Careers, Vocational Aptitudes V. Family Relationships 131 VI. Group Karma 185 VII. The Return 213 Appendix: The Philosophy of 233 Reincarnation MEETING SELF CHAPTER ONE For verily I say unto you. Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

—Matthew V:18 And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. — Luke XVI:17 What is this immutable law referred to by both Luke and Matthew? Obviously, it is the law of cause and effect, called by many, particularly in the Orient, karma. The word 'karma' is used philosophically to indicate conditions in the present steroming from thoughts and actions in the past Its Sanskrit meaning encompasses both action and reaction (or consequences). Its Hindu meaning encompasses work, or the labor of the soul seeking to attain union with God. Today we think of it as the law of cause and effect The psychic readings given by Edgar Cayce explained karma, in its many aspects and ramifications, as 'meeting self.'

Most of our acts or deeds produce an immediate effect or result We are usually aware of the effect of our acts and choices 2nd know whether they are right or wrong. We see this at once. It might be called 'cash' karma, so quickly are the consequences felt.

There are, however, many circumstances or conditions for which we can see no cause or reason unless we can accept the theory of reincarnation. For example, why is one child born to riches or plenty and happy, loving surroundings, and another to poverty and rejection? What is it that attracts souls to such different environments? Why is one child a genius and an- other retarded or an idiot? Man often, in his misery, cries out as Job did: 'Why has this been visited upon me?' Unless explained by previous existence or lives, these things seem inexplicable.

The Edgar Cayce readings maintain that each person is responsible for the circumstances in which he finds himself. He is not the innocent victim of his environment; he is simply meeting self. 13 What ye sow, ye reap. There are often experiences in which individuals apparently reap that which they have not sown, but this is only the short self vision of the entity or the one analyzing and studying purposes or ideals in relationship to those particular individuals. (2528-3) Meeting self, according to the information given in the Edgar Cayce readings, is actually meeting the consequences of our own actions or attitudes. This meeting self also includes our previous thoughts and emotions. We reincarnate, or live again, in earth to face the results we have brought about Not only do we daily make choices, but we have made choices in former lives for which we are responsible.

We are free to choose, but we must realize that within each choice are future choices. The consequences of our choices and acts are the 'jot and tittle' we must face.

We cannot escape. Cause and effect to many are the same as karma.

Karma is that brought over, while cause and effect may exist in the one material experience only. Most individuals in the present misinterpret karmic influences— each soul, each entity, should gain the proper concept of destiny. Destiny is within, or is as of faith, or is as the gift of the Creative Forces. Karmic influence is, then, rebellious influence against such. When opportunities are presented, it is the entity's own will force that must be exercised — that which has separated it or has made it equal to the creative influences in the higher spiritual forces to make for itself that advancement Then in every contact is there the opportunity for an entity, a soul, to fulfill or meet in itself or its soul self s association with the Creative Forces from the First Cause, to embrace that necessary for the entity to.

Enter into the at-oneness with that Creative Force. Hence as for the entity's fulfilling, it is ever on the road. (903-23) For life and its expressions are one.

Each soul or 14 entity will and does return, or cycle, as does nature in its manifestations about man; thus leaving, making, or presenting — as it were— those infallible, indelible truths that it — life — is continuous. And though there may be a few short years in this or that experience, they are one; the soul, the inner self, being purified, being lifted up, that it may be one with that first cause, that first purpose for its coming into existence.

And though there may be those experiences here and there, each has its relationships with that which has gone before, that is to come. And mere has been given to each soul that privilege, that choice, of being one with the Creative Forces. And the patterns that have been set as marks along man's progress are plain. None mount higher than that which has been left in Him who made that intercession for man, that man through Him might have the advocate with the Father.

And those truths, those tenets— yea, those promises — that have been set in Him are true and may be the experience of each and every soul, as each entity seeks, strives, tries, desires to become and pursues the way of becoming with Him. Then, as mere has been and is the passage of a soul through time and space, through this and that experience, it has been and is for the purpose of giving more and more opportunities to express that which justifies man in his relationships one with another; in mercy, love, patience, long-suffering, brotherly love. For these be the fruits of the spirit, and they that would be one with Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. (938-1) We and we alone are responsible for what we are and our condition in this earth. The Edgar Cayce readings indicate that the individuality is the sum total of what the entity has done about Creative and ideal forces in its various experiences in the earth.

The individuality changes as the entity acts, thinks, and feels in the present about its ideals, its experiences, and its opportunities; Problems, conditions, individuals, all cause a reaction in the individuality. Each phase of the entity has its separate attributes, which may be both physical and spiritual. Also, they may be one, and to accomplish this the 15 entity must use the mind. The mind is the builder, the my in which one approaches either infinity or materiality. For it is not by chance that each entity enters, but that the entity — as a part of the whole— may fill that place which no other soul may fill so welL Thus with each material manifestation there is an undertaking by an entity to so manifest that it, as a part of the whole, may become more and more attuned to that consciousness, and thus glorify Him in the entity's relationships to others in any and in every experience. Thus the urges latent or manifested are expressions of an entity in the varied phases of consciousness. In the material or earthly sojourn these find expressions or manifestations in a three-dimensional manner.

Each entity, thus, finds itself body, mind, and soul. These phases represent the three spiritual attributes that are understandable or comprehended in materiality. Yet as the mental and the spiritual become more and more expressive, or controlling through the experiences in the earth, die entity becomes aware of other dimensions in its material sojourn. While body is subject to all the influences of materiality, it may be controlled — the emotions thereof — by the mind. And the mind may be directed by spirit. Spirit is that portion of the First Cause which finds expression in all that is everlasting in the consciousness of mind OR matter.

And no urge — whether of the material sojourns or of the astrological aspects — surpasses the mental and spiritual abilities of a soul to choose its course that it, the soul and mind, may take. In materiality, then, as may be expressed in whatever environ a body has chosen, it becomes accustomed or attuned to the environs of that particular sphere of activity. Yet these may become localized; or they may become state- or nation-minded, or spiritual- or fellow- man-minded, thereby altering the maimer in which the entity may express itself, though under the same environ of others in that particular sphere of activity.


(2533-1) Each entity, each soul, enters the material experience for purposes. These are not individual or of a selfish 16 nature, though they are very personal in their application and their practice. Each soul meets CONSTANTLY ITSELF; not alone in what is called at times karma or karmic influences. For remember, Life is God; that which is constructive grows; that which is destructive deteriorates.

Then, karmic forces — if the life application in the experience of an individual entity GROWS to a haven of peace and harmony and understanding; or ye GROW to Heaven, rather than going to heaven; ye grow in grace, in understanding, Remember then as this: There are promises made by the Creative Forces, or God, to the children of men, that 'if ye will be my daughter, my son, my child, I will indeed be thy God.' This is an individual promise. Hence the purposes are for an entrance; the SOUL may be prepared for an indwelling with die soul, the mind, of the living God. How, then, ye ask, are ye to know when ye are on the straight and narrow way? My Spirit beareth witness with thy spirit that ye axe indeed die children of God. Thy God-Consciousness, thy soul, either condemns, rejects, or falters before conditions that exist in the experience of the mental and material self.

Mind ever is the builder. (1436-1) We often feel we are treated unjusdy or that we deserve letter things. This is probably only the short view, for we lo reap what we sow. We must meet in the physical what re have done or thought in the mental. So we have or meet those various aspects in the experience of each individual; for where there have been the constructive or destructive aspects in the experience of each individual, they must be met in the same sphere or plane of activity in which they have been in action in the experience of the entity — and met according to that which is to be meted. For what saith the law? As ye mete, so shall it be meted to thee in thine own experience, in thine own activity.

So, as individuals in their material or mental experience in the material world 17 find that they are in the activity of being mistreated, as from their angle, from their own angle have they mistreated. If harshness has come to thine own experience, so has there been in thine own activity that which makes for same; and so is the experience in each phase. (262-81) Learn this lesson well — the spiritual truth: Criticize not unless ye wish to be criticized. For with what measure ye mete it is measured to thee again. It may not be in the same way, but ye cannot even THINK bad of another without it affecting thee in a manner of destructive nature.

Think WELL of others, and if ye cannot speak well of them, don't speak at all — but don't think it, either! Try to see self in the other's place. This will bring the basic spiritual forces that must ibe the prompting influence in the experience of each soul, if it would grow in grace, in knowledge, in understanding; not only of its relationship to God, its relationship to its fellow man, but its relationships in the home and in the social life. For know that the Lord thy God is One.


And all that ye may know of good must first be within self. All ye may know of God must be manifested through thyself. To hear of Him is not to know. To apply and live and be like Hun IS to know!

(2936-2) We are constantly meeting ourselves. For each soul must meet in its own self that which the entity or body metes to its fellow man in 'its' ideal relations with such. (876-1) Some may ask, some may say, how or when does one become aware of that mercy, grace? As the individual in the Christ is under the law of grace and mercy and not of sacrifice. Then indeed does each soul, each individual, in same become aware of the saving grace — or the purpose for which the Holy One gave within self that sacrifice such that all through Him may become aware, in the 'spiritual plane, through the grace of the Christ, of the manner in which the individual has met in the material.

For He has forgiven thee already. Only in thine brother — as ye are to be judged before Him by the deed 18 done in the body-physical. For once for all has He entered in that ye are forgiven by Him already. (262-81) Have ye not read as He gave, that he who is guilty of one jot or tittle is guilty of it all? Have ye not read that ye shall pay to the uttermost farthing? Yet it is not the same as considered by some, that ye have bunded thine own karma— and that the blood, the debt, the law of grace is of none effect. But as He has given, if thine activity is made that ye may be seen of men, or if thine purpose, thine aim, thine desire is for self-glorification, then ye are none of His.

Then, the meeting of the deeds done in die body is by relying upon the faith in Him, the activity that makes for an exemplification in die flesh of that faith, of that mercy. If ye would have mercy, be ye merciful.

B ye would be f aithful, show thyself by thy acts that ye trust in Him. How readest thou? 'Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin; yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.' Hast thou put on the Christ, then, in thy activity with thy neighbor, with thy brother, with those of thine own house?

Edgar Cayce Black Book

Know ye within thyself. Hast thou met with Him in thine inner chamber of thine own temple? Ye believe that your body is the temple of the living God. Do ye act like that?

Then begin to put same into practice, making practical application of that thou hast gained, leaving the results with thy God. Thou believest He is able to keep that thou hast committed unto Him. Dost thou live like that? Dost thou cherish the thought: 'l am in Thy hands. In Thee, O God, do we live and move and have our being in the flesh: And we as Thy children will act fust that'? Speakest thou evil of thy friend, thy foe, or as thou wouldst speak if thou wert in the presence of thy God? Ye are continually in that presence, within thy self.

He with the Father, He in thee. Will ye keep the faith that is accounted to thee for righteousness, that thy body in its purging — through the varied experiences in the earth— may ever be a channel that points to the living God? What will ye do about same?

(262-82) 19 Actually, oar karma has many aspects and ramifications reaching into the past and also into the future if the condition or problem has not been resolved. Not only our acts and deeds but also our thoughts bring their kannic effects; for thought precedes the deed, and thoughts are tilings.

'From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh'; and thoughts are deeds, and each builds to himself that which is to be glorification, or edification, or resentment built in self. Then act in the way which is befitting and responds in yourself. (294-58) One man asked: Q. Have I karma from any previous existence that should be overcome? Well that karma be understood, and how it is to be met For, in various thought— whether considered philosophy or religion or whether from the scientific manner of cause and effect— karma is all of these and more.

Rather it may be likened unto a piece of food, whether fish or bread, taken into the system; it is assimilated by the organs of digestion, and then those elements that are gathered from same are made into the forces that flow through the body, giving the strength and vitality to an animate object, or being, or body. So, in experiences of a soul, in a body, in an experience in the earth. Its thoughts make for that upon which the soul feeds, as do the activities that are carried on from the thought of the period make for the ability of retaining or maintaining the active force or active principle of the thought through the experience. Then the soul reentering into a body under a different environ either mates for the expending of that it has made through die experience in the sojourn in a form that is called in some religions as destiny of the soul, in another philosophy that which has been builded must be met in some way or manner, or in the more scientific manner that a certain cause produces a certain effect Hence we see that karma is all of these and more. Ever since the entering of spirit and soul into matter there has been a way of redemption 20 for the soul, to make an association and a connection with the Creator, through the love for the Creator that is in its experience. Hence this, too, must be taken into consideration; that karma may mean the development for self — and must be met in that way and manner; or it may mean that which has been acted upon by the cleansing influences of the way and manner through which the soul, the mind-soul, or the soul-mind is purified, or to be purified, or purifies itself and hence these changes come about— and some people term it 'Lady Luck' or 'The body is born under a lucky star.' It's what the soul-mind has done about the source of redemption of the soul!

Cisco iou keygen pyridium. Or it may be yet that of cause and effect, as related to the soul, the mind, the spirit, the body. (440-5) We often think we have karma with other people as the questioner 1436 in the following interchange did. This is apparently a misunderstanding of the true nature of karma We only meet ourselves.

Karma is a personal thing and only with God or the Creative Forces. It is not between individuals. Other people merely provide the means or conditions for us to learn our lessons and gain self-mastery. We must attain perfection through spiritual unfoldment so that we may become companions and cocreators with God the Father. Is there some karmic debt to be worked cut with either or both and should I stay with them until I have made them feel more kindly toward me? Thy relationships to thy fellows through the various experiences in the earth come to be then in the light of what Creative Forces would be in thy relationships to the act itself: And whether it be as individual activities to those who have individualized as thy father, thy mother, thy brother, or the like, or others, it is merely self being met, in relationships to what they themselves are working out, and not a karmic debt between but a karmic debt of self that may be worked out between the associations that exist in the present!

And this is true for every soul. 'If ye will but take that that as was given thee! 21 Neither do I condemn thee — neither do I condetm thee.' WHO GAVE THAT? LIFE ITSELFI Not s personality, not an individual alone; though individually spoken to the entity, to the soul that manifests itself ii the present in the name called 1436. This becomes thei not an incident but a lesson, that all may learn!

This L the reason, that is the purpose, that is why in the activity much should be expected, why much shall be endured why much may he given, by the soul that has learnet that God condemns not them that seek to know His fact and believe! Then it is not karma but in HIM that the debt is paid For who forgave thee thy material shortcomings, thy material errors, as judged by thy superiors at thai experience in the material world? For it isn't to the glory of self, but the glory of the Maker, that these should be applied in the experiences of the entity. From the astrological aspects we find Jupiter, Venus, Saturn are the latent urges.

There is within the innate feeling, the personality, the individuality wanting to do something, not merely because it would be big, not merely to be well spoken of, but as the innate feeling of wanting to be worthwhile, wanting to be an expression of something out of the ordinary. Well, ye have it! Use it, don't abuse it, don't neglect it!

(5241-1) This young woman was given three lives to which her loving personality and healing ability were due. She had lived in Philadelphia during the Revolutionary days and had helped in the cause for freedom. She had aided in instruction and carried messages to those in authority, even to Washington himself. For the entity was even blessed by Washington.

In the experience the entity gained, and hence that desire innately for helpful forces, for a universal consciousness of good, for freedom of activity, freedom of speech and those which are active in the entity's consciousness latent; and thus is the beauty, the loveliness of the character of the entity in the present (5241-1) Before that the entity was in Persia at the time of the rebuilding of the holy city with ZerubbabeL She was the companion of the priest Eleazer. She took from the records which were discovered there and brought to self, and to many, a greater knowledge of the closeness of the Father- God to man in this period. 110 Before that we find the entity was in the Egyptian land when there were the activities in the preparations for the exit from Egypt to the favored land, the people through whom was chosen the hope of the world. The entity was then the close friend of Joshua. Yes, one of those to whom Joshua was engaged as would be called in the present, and of the daughters of Levi, not the same as Moses and Aaron but rather of Korah. There we find the entity beautiful, lovely, beloved of Joshua and yet weak in body, because of conditions under which the entity had in a portion of its experience labored, and thus weak-lunged, passing away during the period of the journey to the Holy Land. But to have been beloved of Joshua was sufficient to have builded into the personality that individuality of the entity, that which still makes the entity beloved of all who know the entity best, loved by all its companions, its associates, just as in those experiences with the great leader who was to carry the children of promise to the Holy Land.

The name then was Abigal. As to the abilities of the entity, then, that to which it may attain and how: These are limited only to that which is the choice and application of the entity in those directions indicated. Not that a home should not be established, not that there won't be a beautiful home, but choose one in accord, not in discord with the abilities in self. (5241-1) An interesting and unusual case, 3184, was a young woman of thirty when she applied for her reading. She listed her occupation as aviation and her religious preference as none.

Her contact with ARE was through her mother, who wrote: 'I think the book, There Is a River, came to me as an answer to prayer. I am a member of the Divine Science Church, 'The Church of the Healing Christ,' of which Dr. Emmet Fox is the pastor. My daughter 3184, who at present lives in. Texas, is doing work which she does not like and yet fears to give it up, not knowing just where she can get a position doing the work she loves.

I can only tell her that if she can cast all fear and doubt out of her thoughts and really believe that God is guiding her to her true place where she will be happy and 111 most useful, that position will present itself, but it is difficult for a young person who was raised in the Catholic Church to do this.' The young woman asked: 'Should or will I be able to make flying my life work?' Will to do whatever you like. Whether you want to or not, or whether others want you to or not, you will make it a life's work. It can be most worthwhile to self and to many others, if an association in the establishing of such communications; but let it be with those portions of the land indicated. (3184-1) This desire and ability to fly stemmed mainly from her life in Atlantis.

The entity was in Atlantis during those periods when there were the separations, just before the breaking up of Poseidia. The entity then controlled those activities where communications had been established with other lands, and the flying boats that moved through air or water were the means by which the entity carried many of those to the Iberian land, as well as later those groups in the Egyptian land. When there had been the detennining that the records should be kept there.

Thus we find the entity in the capacity of the leader in making overtures in the Egyptian land. Finding the land in turmoil because of rebellions, the entity — with one Ax-Tell-^-undertook to set up their own activities.

For the entity then was an associate of Ax-Tell, not a companion but a fellow worker with that leader Ax-Tell in Egypt. With the return of the Priest, by the edicts, and then the establishing of the groups that controlled the religious and the political and the varied activities in that land with the return of the Priest, the entity first became sullen; then joined in with those movements for the preparation of people for the regeneration of bodies and THINGS in that period. Again the entity was in communication activities. Those influences that prompted the entity's abilities in 112 the present arise from that experience. These abilities are limited only by the manner in which the entity approaches or uses its abilities, especially in the establishing of communications with other lands. Languages that have been and are at times the disturbing element with individuals may easily be put aside. If there is the application of the special service in the lands or areas indicated.

Then, DO assist in establishing the airways with those peninsulas or lands of North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. Do keep self first in that attitude and purpose of a universal consciousness for the good of all.

(3184-1) The ability in communications originated in a later life in Greece and Persia. There she helped to develop steering for ships and the manner in which the compass was installed. She had been a messenger during the Revolution in America and had also been a messenger in the Roman land during its period of expansion. This was a period when the thoughts of the leaders were for the good of all rather than the gratifying of personal desires. In this Roman period the entity was not in the present sex, but a man. She was among those who planned the manner or means of communications with other lands, thus in what might be called today a diplomatic service.

Here, too, again may the entity in the present use those abilities in those directions of making connections and associations with those of various lands. For there will be the needs for the use of many in these directions in the reconstruction days to come.

When com- munications with other lands are so established, by those means of activity, the entity may have an important place in some of these connections; especially with those such as the coast of the Mediterranean, the coast of the Iberian Peninsula. These especially will be fields, for to these — as we will see — the entity has come oft. Hence, as has been seen, the communications of every 113 nature will be a part of the entity's consciousness; and if s in and through these that the entity may find the outlet for self and selfs abilities. (3184-1) This young woman had a check life reading seeking more information as to how she could get work as a pilot. Her reading told her She might get into British Air Transport as a ferry pilot by applying through Canada.

She tried but did not succeed in getting a passport or getting into the Air Transport Service and was for some time thoroughly discouraged and unhappy. A later report of May 8, 1956, from her mother says: 'Yes, my daughter 3184 has made flying her life's work.

As yet she has not flown out of this country but still hopes to some day. She has never married — says she finds planes more interesting than men. I say she has not met the right man yet — 'there speaks the mother!' However, she seems quite happy and has an interesting life — is always studying and acquiring higher ratings. She now has her 'Air Transport Rating' — the same as the Transatlantic pilots — but I am afraid she is the wrong sex. She was the first woman Executive Pilot — now there are four others in the West — she flies for a corporation. She lives alone in an apt.

And enjoys being alone.' In 1968 this young woman herself wrote to Hugh Lynn Cayce and reported: As your Father so truly said — whether I will or no — I would make flying my life's work. Indeed I have, and while there have been times when I starved at it (because of my sex), there have been other times, as now, when it has been good to me — and never, starving or not, have 1 regretted the decision.

With respect to the Iberian Peninsula, except for a few stopovers in Lisbon or Madrid, enroute to somewhere else, I still have no connection with it, nor do I see yet how I ever will have. Back in 1943, my greatest desire was to fly the ocean, and this desire never abated, even when I was enjoying other types of flying; the opportunity finally arose in 1962 — after false starts, I started my own company for the delivery of light airplanes to foreign countries in 114 1965 — to date have made 90 trips to Europe, South Africa and the Philippines, and love it as much now as I did the first time.

Her letterhead reads AIR FERRY ENTERPRISES. Somewhere in Pennsylvania. Thus we can say this vocational advice and prediction came true, as well as the young woman's dream. The home will become the really great adventure for the entity, that it may through its own close work with God bring into BEING those who will be emissaries — yea, be those who will rise in power in PRINCIPLE, in state and national associations and affairs. This then is the glory, the crowning of thy patience, thy love, thy beauty of purpose, thy sincerity. And above all, to self be true and — as has been given — ye will not be false to any.

For thy body, thy mind is indeed the temple of the living God, and there He ham promised to meet thee consciously. And as ye become aware of His abiding presence, more of beauty and purpose and of harmony and of joy of life will indeed be thine. (1968-1) This was the career and the prophecy given a young.- woman in her life reading. She was twenty-eight years old and working in an office when the reading was given, so was most anxious to be about this business of establishing a home and having the sons promised. The last part of her reading emphasized and further explained the real reason for her purpose in this life. The HOME is the real adventure, the real purpose of the entity's expression in the earth.

For as seen, in Atlantis the desire for same brought disturbance there she was a daughter of the children of the Law of One but in love with a son of Belial; in Egypt it brought the better understanding; in the time when the Master taught thee, there w as th e perfect home with His presence abiding there AFTER the awakening; in the experience in the present land, it brought a helpful force. 115 Hence in the present, build thine own home upon the sure foundation. Thou hast met him— thou lovest him. He has disappointed thee, but bring that into thy heart and mind that— with the Christ-life and purpose— ye will bring into material experience a CHANNEL to be the blessings of the many.

Should I marry? You should — as just indicated.

As has been given, the entity knows him — she has been disappointed in him— but this can be amended. How long should I wait? (1968-1) This naturally was a very exciting and interesting reading for the young woman. She was still puzzled about the man to whom the reading alluded. She assumed he was the one who appeared to be interested in her and who was very attentive when she returned home. Something went awry, however, for she did not even see him in October and wrote that he was seeing another woman. So the young lady had a check reading on her Atlantean period and sought further information about marriage.

The reading explained the turmoil of that life and assured her the man she was concerned about was the entity she had loved as a son of Belial. Thus we find in the present, with the associations which have come about with an individual who represented that sojourn, or that one with whom the entity was associated in that experience, there have come disappointments, and the not being satisfied in- nately or manifested^ in self as to the perfect association, or as to there ever being a perfect cooperative influence.

Yet, as we find, and as has been indicated, IF there is the DETERMINING upon the part of each that they may in the present experience meet themselves, there may be the dedicating of their minds, their bodies, their purposes to. Meet and to fulfill within the present experience those things which would make for more 116 harmony and more general peace of mind than can be done apart. Yet, if this is only the decision of the one, better that it NOT be undertaken. Since it is my desire to fulfill my destiny while in this experience, please suggest what I should do next A.

As just indicated, let it be understood as to the self s purpose! This desire, this purpose, that it may be fulfilled in this association or companionship! But unless it is a cooperative undertaking, forget it — and find others! What prevented our marriage in October, in order that I might not let this happen again?

The lack of assurance as to the oneness of purpose on the part of each. How can I prepare myself to be a good mother?

Act in those ways and manners — in body, in mind, in purpose— to fulfill that within self that would be the IDEAL activity and relationships of a mother. Will my sons be influential in religious or political affairs, or both? A As has been indicated, we will find that the inclination will be to both fields; one possibly in one, one in the other. Later advice was: 'Do not allow a disappointment in a personality to hinder these from finding their greater fruition in this experience or sojourn.' (1968-2) This former son of Belial married the other woman. Case 1968 was then worried as to whether or not this was the end of her life purpose or if the sons would come to her if she married someone else. So she asked in a later reading: Q.

Will I eventually marry R., or if I marry someone else, will those sons who will help to adjust the nation still come to me? This is part of THY heritage, and that attraction should be from, and is of, the application of the principles of truth and spirit and of life, rather than the companion, see? As to whether there will be that association with R. 117 will depend upon circumstance. As has been indicated for the entity, this should not be made as something that MUST be irrespective of conditions.

There are those associations, there are those purposes. Then make way for them, among those who are of the sons of faith; and not as of old holding to the aggrandizement of self. Is it still possible for me to carry out my entire destiny as I planned when I came to this earth plane? Have I met the one I should marry and how am I to know who he is? That he is a child of FAITH, a SON of faith— as has just been indicated! (1968-4) Still this young woman persisted and hoped, asking about the possibility of two other men as suitable husbands.

She was told to prepare herself and to 'think and realize within self that ye are not waiting on an individual, ye are waiting on the Lord. For ye have chosen and do choose correctly, ye will fill and fulfill that purpose the LORD hath with thee.

And because this may be altered at some particular period of the experience it is not to be considered that self has failed.' (1968-8) Approximately five years after her first reading this young woman made a chance visit to a relative of her stepmother. Here she met again a childhood friend, and the association quickly grew into love and marriage.

The two sons she was hoping for arrived in due time. One young man, 2542, who is doing his best to follow his life reading especially as to profession, was told: While many of those things and activities - have changed, in which the entity attempted to apply itself through the sojourns in the earth, these may be those channels in the present in which greater expression may be seen for the entity's activity. These might be indicated from the seal of the life experience of the entity through the sojourns in the earth: A square, upon which there would be the circle — or the globe; indicating both the western and the eastern ships — especially of the air, and of all characters of 118 communications to the varied centers. These, as a study for the entity, would bring much as may be indicated. Upon and with a portion of this would be the activities in miniature of those centers that would not be considered as of the greater population, necessarily, but those that are the greater communicating centers — that bring the activities to both the commercial and the religious forces of the earth. Hence: Greenwich, Arlington, Frankfort on the Main, Moscow, Ankara, Bagdad, Buenos Aires, Lima, Auckland — these would be the centers which would indicate, in miniature, the activities in those portions of the globe. (2542-1) This description of greater expression through a life seal is unusual, but it is very meaningful today, for this young man has studied electrical communications and is presently to go into communications work for the government.

Edgar Cayce Readings Pdf

A later question, 'What particular development is sought by the entity at this appearance?' Was answered with, 'Anything that would have to do with international law.'

Naturally anyone dealing with communications with other countries would be involved with international law, so it seems this, too, is being fulfilled. The earth experiences which influenced this entity were of a diplomatic character and dealt with many peoples. In his last earth life he was active in the American - Revolution, though his life began 'in a foreign land, and the entity was trained as a lawyer — or a justice of the law; yet with the experiences brought about during the American Revolution and the activities there, the entity came with Kosciusko into this land.'

The entity became closely associated with the leaders in the activities about Pennsylvania, Maryland, Michigan AND Virginia. Hence, as has been indicated, during the latter portion of die entity's sojourn in the acquaintanceships were with those of the Lee home, those of Mount Vernon; for there the entity spent some time during the latter period of his sojourn in the earth, with the first President as well as the associates of those activities through that experience.

119 Thus Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Jay, and all of those were associates or friends and acquaintances of the entity. The name then was Leonard Zolocoffa.

In the experience the entity gained, though — as indicated —was hindered from carrying out its activities as a diplomatic agent Yet the assistance given to the early activities of the various lands with the new land may be said to have come much because of the entity's counsel and suggestions during that experience. Hence in the present, train the entity in law — diplomatic law; that will have to deal with many countries, many problems, not only political but social and religious. For eventually the entity will see a religious war. Before that the entity was in the Roman land, during those periods when there were the expansions especially in North Africa, Asia, and portions of Palestine. In the southern portion of Asia, or about what is now Turkey, were the activities of the entity, which extended into Syria and into Palestine. For the entity then acted in the capacity of gathering data, and pointing out the needs for establishing rules that conformed to the needs of the people in the various sections to which the empire then extended.

Thus we find again the entity in the diplomatic activity, or that in which not only law and order but the social, political, economic and religious tendencies or trends of a people must be taken into consideration. Hence we will find the entity interested in political, economic, social, AND religious activities in the present. These should be the channels or fields through which the greater development, the greater training, the activities as would lead to the use of the abilities.

For these will offer the channels through which the entity may find the means of the greater expression of self. Hence there will be the need for firmness, yet justice and mercy, and for the following out of a REASON for everything in which the entity may engage or be active.

(2542-1) 120 A still earlier experience was in the Indian land. Then the entity was a caravan keeper, or one who personally directed the means of exchange between India and Ceylon, Egypt and Persia and the Caspian activities, and those along the eastern Mediterranean. All of these were a portion of the entity's places of activity. But with the acquaintance with those influences in the 'city in the hills,' the entity established that center there for its activities; thus aiding the founders there in making it a commercial center; yet never losing sight of the influences of the peoples in the political, economic, and religious tendencies in their activities. Before that the entity was in the Egyptian land, during those periods when there were activities established for the propagation of truth and law and order; in which individuals were to be considered as a part of the welfare.

The entity was of die Atlanteans born in the land, being then part Egyptian and part Atlantean. Thus we find the entity rising to authority in the tenets for the individuals that aided in establishing unity through tile various groups, throughout then the active forces in the world.

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The entity was associated with all forms of communications, that will again be a part of the entity's present experience — as indicated in its seal — and yet dealing with all types, all characters of conditions in the varied lands. These will again be a part of the entity's associations through this experience, if there will be those trainings, those promptings, those directions in those channels that will fit the entity for that activity. As to the abilities of the entity in the present, thai, that to which it may attain, and how: Much, as indicated, will depend upon the basis of the tenets that become a part of the policy, or the character as builded in the experience of the entity in the present But dealing with political, economic, and religious questions will be a part of the entity's experience. 121 As to how — this will depend upon the tendencies and trends. These we would give farther when the entity has reached the age of eleven to twelve.

(2542-1) It would be interesting to know what a later reading would have given, but Mr. Cayce's passing of course prevented this. The young man, now in his early thirties, is fulfilling the prediction on communications. It may be that his later years will see him as one of our country's diplomats. The strange ability to control wild animals was a skill one young girl (276) was told she possessed. It was not suggested that she use this as a profession or make a career of it but 'to show that close affection that may exist between the human mind, as controlling through the manners in which the entity is efficient, and to bring to the attention of others how animals — in their various spheres — are dependent upon their owners, or those who contact same, as to what their activities may be to the benefit of man; for, as was given in the beginning, 'Be ye fruitful; multiply, and subdue the earth.'