The Last Templar Pdf Torrent

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About The Book: Addison details the rise of the Templars to become, essentially, the first multinational corporation. The Templars were entrusted by the Church and States of Europe to be the spearhead of the crusades. In the process they gained immense wealth and influence, although individual Templars took a vow of poverty. Jerusalem was won and lost several times by the crusaders through the 12th and 13th centuries.

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Addison notably cites eye-witness descriptions from both the Crusaders and their Moslem opponents to give a well-rounded picture.

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We, the Knights Templar of the United States, in order to secure unity and better government and to increase the prosperity and influence of Templary, which is declared to comprise the Orders of Christian Knighthood known as Red Cross, Knight of Malta and Knight Templar, do ordain and establish this Constitution. THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT NAME.