Cisco Call Manager Install Locale
May 08, 2017 Dear all, am having 2921 router BE6K-S module in the cisco router trying to install the call manager 11.5 using the following scenario. Router gi0/1.20 ip: 10 112682.
Post-Installation Tasks for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Post-Installation Tasks for Cisco Unified Communications Manager After you install a Cisco Unified Communications Manager node, you must set some configuration parameters and perform other post-installation tasks before you can begin using it. Procedure Step 1 Log in as the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Application User and change the Application User passwords. Step 2 Install Real Time Monitoring Tool. You can use Real Time Monitoring Tool to monitor system health, and view and collect logs. For installation instructions and more information about Real Time Monitoring Tool, see the Cisco Unified Real Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide.
Step 3 Configure the netdump utility, if you installed a cluster of servers. The netdump utility allows you to send data and memory crash dump logs from one server on the network to another. For instructions for configuring the netdump utility, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide Step 4 Install license files to the publisher node using the Enterprise License Manager application. For more information, see the Enterprise License Manager User Guide.
Step 5 Activate Cisco Unified Communications Manager feature services that you want to run. Before you activate feature services, you must perform required preactivation tasks. For service activation requirements, refer to the Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide. Step 6 Configure the backup settings. Refer to Disaster Recovery System Administration Guide. Step 7 Install new locales to the server if required.
Jun 01, 2017 Locale Installation. Install the latest version of the locales that match the major.minor version number of your Cisco Unified Communications Manager node or IM and Presence Service node. Install locales after you have installed Cisco Unified Communications Manager on every node in the cluster and have set up the database. Have you ever installed cop file in CUCM? COP files like ciscocm.version3-keys.cop.sgn, ciscocm.refresh_upgrade_v1.5.cop.sgn, ciscocm.vmware-disk-size-reallocation-1.0.cop.sgn or any other COP or Locale? This is quite easy and simple task. How to install COP Files? Download COP files from Cisco.
The locale EnglishUnitedStates installs automatically on the server, and you can install other locales as needed. Perform this task only after you have completed the installation for the entire cluster, and set up the database. Refer to Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration Guide.
Step 8 Install COP enabler files for any custom device types that you want to use that do not ship with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Perform this task only after you have completed the installation for the entire cluster, and set up the database. Step 9 If applicable, configure any network management systems in use at your site. Refer to the Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide. Step 10 If you want to set up a secure cluster, you can run your Cisco IP Telephony network in mixed mode.
For more information, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Guide. Step 11 Configure the system. For more information, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide. Step 12 Install Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service. Change Default Application User Passwords The installation sets all Application User passwords to the same Application User password that you entered during installation. Cisco recommends that you log in to Cisco Unified CM Administration and change these passwords.
Refer to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide for the procedure for changing a password. Cisco Unified Serviceability To access Cisco Unified CM Administration or Cisco Unified Serviceability, you will need to use a web browser from a PC with network access to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server. Even though all services are installed on each server in the cluster, you must manually activate the services that you want to run on each server in the cluster through Cisco Unified Serviceability. For service recommendations and more information, see Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide. Services Activation Even though all services are installed on the server, you may need to use Cisco Unified Serviceability to manually activate services that you want to run. For service recommendations and more information, see Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide. Apply Security Use the following procedure to apply security to a new node in a secure cluster after you have successfully added the node.
Note For more information, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Guide. Procedure Step 1 Activate the Cisco CTL Provider service on the new node. Step 2 Use an etoken from the existing CTL file and run the CTL client again to get the certificates from all the servers in the cluster, including the new server, into the CTL file. You must be running the Cisco CTL Provider on all servers in the cluster to generate the certificates and update the CTL file. Step 3 Restart the Cisco TFTP service on all TFTP servers. Step 4 Restart the Cisco CallManager service on all the nodes.
Step 5 Reset all devices to distribute the new CTL file to the devices. Install Licenses See the Cisco Prime License Manager User Guide for information about generating and installing licenses for Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Set Up Database After installing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, you use Cisco Unified CM Administration to begin configuring the database.
The Cisco Unified Communications Manager database contains information and parameters that relate to the system as a whole, to connected devices, and to individual users. The following list describes a few tasks that you must perform in Cisco Unified CM Administration or Cisco Unified Serviceability:. In Cisco Unified Serviceability, activate the services that you want to run on each server in the cluster. Configure system-level settings, such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager Groups. Design and configure your dialing plan. Configure media resources for conferences, music on hold, and so on.
Configure systemwide features, Cisco Unified IP Phone services, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Extension Mobility, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Attendant Console, and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant. Install and configure the gateways. Enable computer telephony integration (CTI) application support; then, install and configure the desired CTI applications. Configure the users. Configure and install the phones; then, associate users with the phones.
For more information about configuring the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database, see Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide, Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide, or online help in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager application. COP Files, Dial Plans, and Locales This section contains information about COP files, dial plans, and locales. COP File Installation The following guidelines apply to installing COP files.
If the documentation for a specific COP file contradicts these general guidelines, follow the COP file documentation:. Install the appropriate COP file on every node in a cluster. Perform this task before you install new software on each node in the cluster and set up the database.
After you install a COP file, you must restart the node. Restart Cisco Unified Communications Manager to ensure that configuration changes that are made during the COP file installation get written into the database. Restart the IM and Presence Service to ensure that configuration changes that are made during the COP file installation get written into the database. Dial Plan Installation You can install dial plan files from either a local or a remote source by using the same process for installing software upgrades. See the Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager for more information about upgrading from a local or remote source. After you install the dial plan files on the system, log in to Cisco Unified CM Administration and then navigate to Call Routing Dial Plan Installer to complete installing the dial plans. Locale Installation You can configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager and IM and Presence Service to support multiple languages.
There is no limit to the number of supported languages you can install. Cisco provides locale-specific versions of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Locale Installer and the IM and Presence Service Locale Installer on Installed by the system administrator, the locale installer allows the user to view/receive the chosen translated text or tones, if applicable, when a user works with supported interfaces. After you upgrade Cisco Unified Communications Manager or the IM & Presence Service, you must reinstall all the locales. Install the latest version of the locales that match the major.minor version number of your Cisco Unified Communications Manager node or IM and Presence Service node.
Install locales after you have installed Cisco Unified Communications Manager on every node in the cluster and have set up the database. If you want to install specific locales on IM and Presence Service nodes, you must first install the Cisco Unified Communications Manager locale file for the same country on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster.
Use the information in the following sections to install locales on Cisco Unified Communications Manager nodes and on IM and Presence Service nodes after you complete the software upgrade. User Locales User locale files contain language information for a specific language and country. They provide translated text and voice prompts, if available, for phone displays, user applications, and user web pages in the locale that the user chooses. These files use the following naming convention. cm-locale-language-country-version.cop ( Cisco Unified Communications Manager).
ps-locale-languagecountry-version.cop ( IM and Presence Service) If your system requires user locales only, install them after you have installed the CUCM locale. Network Locales Network locale files provide country-specific files for various network items, including phone tones, annunciators, and gateway tones. The combined network locale file uses the following naming convention:. cm-locale-combinednetworklocale-version.cop ( Cisco Unified Communications Manager) Cisco may combine multiple network locales in a single locale installer. Note Virtualized deployments of Cisco Unified Communications Manager on Cisco-approved, customer-provided servers can support multiple locales. Installing multiple locale installers ensures that the user can choose from a multitude of locales. You can install locale files from either a local or a remote source by using the same process for installing software upgrades.
You can install more than one locale file on each node in the cluster. Changes do not take effect until you reboot every node in the cluster. Cisco strongly recommends that you do not reboot the nodes until you have installed all locales on all nodes in the cluster.
Minimize call-processing interruptions by rebooting the nodes after regular business hours. Locale Files Install locales after you have installed Cisco Unified Communications Manager on every node in the cluster and have set up the database. If you want to install specific locales on IM and Presence Service nodes, you must first install the Cisco Unified Communications Manager locale file for the same country on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster. You can install more than one locale file on each node in the cluster. To activate the new locale, you must restart each node in the cluster after installation. When you install locales on a node, install the following files:. User Locale files - These files contain language information for a specific language and country and use the following convention: cm-locale-language-country-version.cop ( Cisco Unified Communications Manager) ps-locale-languagecountry-version.cop ( IM and Presence Service).
Combined Network Locale file - Contains country-specific files for all countries for various network items, including phone tones, annunciators, and gateway tones. The combined network locale file uses the following naming convention: cm-locale-combinednetworklocale-version.cop ( Cisco Unified Communications Manager) Install Locale Installer on Cisco Unified Communications Manager User locale files provide translated text for user applications and user web pages in the locale that the user chooses.
User locales are country-specific. Use the following procedure to install locales on the node. Optionally, you can follow the software upgrade procedure to install locale files from either a local or a remote source. Before You Begin. Install Cisco Unified Communications Manager on every node in the cluster before you install the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Locale Installer. If you want to use a locale other than English, you must install the appropriate language installers on both Cisco Unified Communications Manager and on IM and Presence.
Ensure the locale installer is installed on every node in the cluster (install on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database publisher node before the subscriber nodes). User locales should not be set until all appropriate locale installers are loaded on both systems. Users may experience problems if they inadvertently set their user locale after the locale installer is loaded on Cisco Unified Communications Manager but before the locale installer is loaded on IM and Presence. If issues are reported, we recommend that you notify each user to sign into Cisco Unified Communications Manager user options pages and change their locale from the current setting to English and then back again to the appropriate language. You can also use the BAT tool to synchronize user locales to the appropriate language. You must restart the nodes for the changes to take effect. After you complete all locale installation procedures, restart each node in the cluster.
Cisco Callmanager Locale
Updates do not occur in the system until you restart all nodes in the cluster; services restart after the node reboots. Procedure Step 1 Download the locale installer from Step 2 Click the version of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Locale Installer. Step 3 Click Download to download the installer file to the node. Step 4 After downloading the file, save the file to the hard drive and note the location of the saved file.
Step 5 Double-click the file to begin the installation. Step 6 Perform these actions to complete the installation:. Read and accept the license agreement, and then click Next to display the Readme Notes window. Note The readme notes contain build-time information such as components and devices that are supported in the released build. The readme may be printed for reference. Examine and accept the readme notes, and then click Next.
The Setup Type window appears. Select a custom setup type in the Setup Type window to allow you to select or deselect user locales as required, and then click Next. The Start Copying Files window appears. Review the setup options, and then click Next.
The Ready to Install the Program window appears. Click Install to start the installation of the selected user locales.
Note The speed of installation depends on the performance of the node. It is estimated to take between two to ten minutes to complete the database update. Observe the progress bar and text above it to determine the status of installation. Step 7 When the installation is complete, a new dialog requests confirmation of a restart.
Should you wish to apply another locale installer, repeat this procedure before restarting the node in order to reduce downtime. Step 8 Click Finish. The Setup dialog box displays. Do not click any buttons or press any keys. Step 9 When the Setup dialog box automatically closes, you have completed the installation on the node. Install the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Locale Installer on every node in the cluster.
Step 10 After you complete all locale installation procedures, restart each node in the cluster. Step 11 Verify that your users can select the locale(s) for supported products. Troubleshooting Tip Make sure that you install the same components on every node in the cluster. What to Do Next Install Locale Installer on IM and Presence Service Before You Begin. Install the Locale Installer on Cisco Unified Communications Manager. If you want to use a locale other than English, you must install the appropriate language installers on both Cisco Unified Communications Manager and on IM and Presence Service.
If your IM and Presence Service cluster has more than one node, make sure that the locale installer is installed on every node in the cluster (install on the IM and Presence database publisher node before the subscriber nodes). User locales should not be set until all appropriate locale installers are loaded on both systems. Users may experience problems if they inadvertently set their user locale after the locale installer is loaded on Cisco Unified Communications Manager but before the locale installer is loaded on IM and Presence Service.
If issues are reported, we recommend that you notify each user to sign into Cisco Unified Communications Manager user options pages and change their locale from the current setting to English and then back again to the appropriate language. You can also use the BAT tool to synchronize user locales to the appropriate language. You must restart the server for the changes to take effect. After you complete all locale installation procedures, restart each server in the cluster.
Updates do not occur in the system until you restart all servers in the cluster; services restart after the server reboots. Procedure Step 1 Navigate to and choose the locale installer for your version of IM and Presence Service.
Step 2 Click the version of the IM and Presence Locale Installer that is appropriate for your working environment. Step 3 After downloading the file, save the file to the hard drive and note the location of the saved file. Step 4 Copy this file to a server that supports SFTP. Step 5 Sign into Cisco Unified IM and Presence Operating System Administration using the administrator account and password. Step 6 Choose Software Upgrades Install/Upgrade.
Step 7 Choose Remote File System as the software location source. Step 8 Enter the file location, for example /tmp, in the Directory field. Step 9 Enter the IM and Presence Service server name in the Server field. Step 10 Enter your username and password credentials in the User Name and User Password fields. Step 11 Choose SFTP for the Transfer Protocol.
Step 12 Click Next. Step 13 Choose the IM and Presence Service locale installer from the list of search results. Step 14 Click Next to load the installer file and validate it. Step 15 After you complete the locale installation, restart each server in the cluster.
Step 16 The default setting for installed locales is 'English, United States”. While your IM and Presence Service node is restarting, change the language of your browser, if necessary, to match the locale of the installer that you have downloaded. Step 17 Verify that your users can choose the locales for supported products. Tip Make sure that you install the same components on every server in the cluster.
Error Messages See the following table for a description of the messages that can occur during Locale Installer activation. If an error occurs, you can view the messages in the installation log. Table 1 Locale Installer Error Messages and Descriptions Message Description LOCALE File not found: userlocale.csv, the user locale has not been added to the database. This error occurs when the system cannot locate the CSV file, which contains user locale information to add to the database. This indicates an error with the build process.
LOCALE File not found: networklocale.csv, the network locale has not been added to the database. This error occurs when the system cannot locate the CSV file, which contains network locale information to add to the database This indicates an error with the build process.
LOCALE Communications Manager CSV file installer installdb is not present or not executable This error occurs because a Cisco Unified Communications Manager application called installdb must be present; it reads information that is contained in a CSV file and applies it correctly to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database. If this application is not found, it either was not installed with Cisco Unified Communications Manager (very unlikely), has been deleted (more likely), or the node does not have Cisco Unified Communications Manager installed (most likely). Installation of the locale will terminate because locales will not work without the correct records that are held in the database. LOCALE Could not create /usr/local/cm/applicationlocale /cmservices/ipma/com/cisco/ipma /client/locales/ LOCALE Could not create /usr/local/cm/applicationlocale/cmservices/ipma/com/cisco/ ipma/client/locales/ LOCALE Could not create /usr/local/cm/ applicationlocale/cmservices/ipma/com/cisco/ ipma/client/locales/
LOCALE Could not create /usr/local/cm/ applicationlocale/cmservices/ipma/ LocaleMasterVersion.txt.Checksum. These errors could occur when the system fails to create a checksum file; causes can include an absent Java executable, /usr/local/thirdparty/java/j2sdk/ jre/bin/java, an absent or damaged Java archive file, /usr/local/cm/jar/cmutil.jar, or an absent or damaged Java class, Even if these errors occur, the locale will continue to work correctly, with the exception of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant, which cannot detect a change in localized Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant files. LOCALE Could not find /usr/local/cm/applicationlocale/cmservices/ipma/LocaleMaster Version.txt in order to update Unified CM Assistant locale information.
This error occurs when the file does not get found in the correct location, which is most likely due to an error in the build process. LOCALE Addition of to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database has failed! This error occurs because of the collective result of any failure that occurs when a locale is being installed; it indicates a terminal condition.
I've this strange problem: we have approximately 500 cisco ip phones, registered on our CCM all phones using a user locale ITALIAN configuration, and all work well this configuration come from old CCM4.1 configuration, imported when we have upgraded CCM now we are trying to install new phones, 7941 types, we configure them with same parameters as other phones (Device Pool, Common Device Configuration, User Locale, Network Locale), and reset and restart them, but they remain with US English locale configuration I don't understand where I'm in error. Thanks for any help Daniele Guest.