Religious Literacy Stephen Prothero Ebook Reader

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  1. Stephen Prothero

The United States is one of the most religious places on earth, but it is also a nation of shocking religious illiteracy. Only 10 percent of American teenagers can name all five major world religions and 15 percent cannot name any. Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that the Bible holds the answers to all or most of life's basic questions, yet only half of American adults can name even one of the four gospels and most Americans cannot name the first book of the Bible.

Despite this lack of basic knowledge, politicians and pundits continue to root public policy arguments in religious rhetoric whose meanings are missed—or misinterpreted—by the vast majority of Americans. 'We have a major civic problem on our hands,' says religion scholar Stephen Prothero. He makes the provocative case that to remedy this problem, we should return to teaching religion in the public schools. Alongside 'reading, writing, and arithmetic,' religion ought to become the 'Fourth R' of American education. Many believe that America's descent into religious illiteracy was the doing of activist judges and secularists hell-bent on banishing religion from the public square.

Religious-literacy pdf download, read Religious-literacy file also in epub format, Religious-literacy available in other standard ebook format also: ePub Mobi PDF religious-literacy An Amazing Reading. Regarding to legality, in some countries it may perfectly legal to download files such as ebooks for personal use only (with some restrictions, of course, you are not allowed to share or sell it. Book review: Religious Literacy. At the same time, Prothero does not want to see the Bible taught devotionally in the public schools (nor the Koran for that matter). His proposal is purely academic. Americans need a rudimentary knowledge of religious history and belief in order to be well-educated, effective citizens. Stephen Prothero's 'Religious Literacy': Book Review This combines three sections. First, our present-day American illiteracy about religion, in the most 'religious' nation on earth, receives Professor Prothero's survey.

Prothero reveals that this is a profound misunderstanding. 'In one of the great ironies of American religious history,' Prothero writes, 'it was the nation's most fervent people of faith who steered us down the road to religious illiteracy.

Just how that happened is one of the stories this book has to tell.' Prothero avoids the trap of religious relativism by addressing both the core tenets of the world's major religions and the real differences among them. Complete with a dictionary of the key beliefs, characters, and stories of Christianity, Islam, and other religions, Religious Literacy reveals what every American needs to know in order to confront the domestic and foreign challenges facing this country today.

Stephen Prothero is the New York Times bestselling author of Religious Literacy and God Is Not One and a professor of religion at Boston University. His work has been featured on the cover of TIME magazine, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report, NPR, and other top national media outlets.

He writes and reviews for the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, The Washington Post, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Salon, Slate, and other publications. Visit the author at or follow his tweets @sprothero.

Summary The United States is one of the most religious places on earth, but it is also a nation of shocking religious illiteracy. Only 10 percent of American teenagers can name all five major world religions and 15 percent cannot name any. Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that the Bible holds the answers to all or most of life's basic questions, yet only half of American adults can name even one of the four gospels and most Americans cannot name the first book of the Bible. Despite this lack of basic knowledge, politicians and pundits continue to root public policy arguments in religious rhetoric whose meanings are missed-or misinterpreted-by the vast majority of Americans. 'We have a major civic problem on our hands,' says religion scholar Stephen Prothero. He makes the provocative case that to remedy this problem, we should return to teaching religion in the public schools. Alongside 'reading, writing, and arithmetic,' religion ought to become the 'Fourth R' of American education.

Many believe that America's descent into religious illiteracy was the doing of activist judges and secularists hell-bent on banishing religion from the public square. Prothero reveals that this is a profound misunderstanding. 'In one of the great ironies of American religious history,' Prothero writes, 'it was the nation's most fervent people of faith who steered us down the road to religious illiteracy. Just how that happened is one of the stories this book has to tell.'


Prothero avoids the trap of religious relativism by addressing both the core tenets of the world's major religions and the real differences among them. Complete with a dictionary of the key beliefs, characters, and stories of Christianity, Islam, and other religions, Religious Literacy reveals what every American needs to know in order to confront the domestic and foreign challenges facing this country today. Author Notes. Publisher's Weekly Review Prothero (American Jesus), chair of the religion department at Boston University, begins this valuable primer by noting that religious illiteracy is rampant in the United States, where most Americans, even Christians, cannot name even one of the four Gospels.

Such ignorance is perilous because religion 'is the most volatile constituent of culture' and, unfortunately, often 'one of the greatest forces for evil' in the world, he writes. Prothero does more than diagnose the problem; he traces its surprising historic roots ('in one of the great ironies of.history, it was the nation's most fervent people of faith who steered Americans down the road to religious illiteracy') and prescribes concrete solutions that address religious education while preserving First Amendment boundaries about religion in the public square. Prothero also offers a dictionary of religious literacy and a quiz for readers to test their knowledge. This book is a must-read not only for educators, clergy and government officials, but for all adults in a culture where, as Prothero puts it, 'faith without understanding is the standard' and 'religious ignorance is bliss.' (Mar.) (c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC.

All rights reserved All rights reserved. Choice Review Here is a paradox: 'Americans are both deeply religious and profoundly ignorant about religion.' Prothero (Boston Univ.) sees this as more than just a problem for organized religion; in a world profoundly affected by religion, the lack of religious knowledge and education has deep implications for civic life and engagement.

Prothero lays out the history of how this situation came to be in America, ironically titling his chapters 'Eden,' 'Fall,' and 'Redemption.' The best part of the book is his analysis of the decline of religious literacy in America, the blame for which he places both on the secularists and religious leaders themselves, who began in the 19th century to pull away from substantive religious education toward morality and conduct; this 60-page section is a great summary of American religious history. His modest 'Proposal' for rectifying this problem is on target, but is only an outline of how educators and religious professionals might proceed. The book ends with an 85-page 'Dictionary of Religious Literacy,' a very helpful summation of terms and ideas from a variety of religious traditions, which every educated citizen ought to know. Summing Up: Recommended. Lower-level undergraduates and above; general readers. Granquist Gustavus Adolphus College.

Booklist Review The author of American Jesus0 (2003) opens this important book with a paradox. To wit, Americans are deeply religious and0 profoundly ignorant about religion; that is, one of the most religious countries is also a nation of 'religious illiterates.' Prothero calls religious illiteracy dangerous because religion is one of the greatest forces for good-as well as evil-in the world. Nowadays, standing on shaky religious ground can be literally a matter of life and death.

Stephen Prothero

To cite two brief examples of America's religious illiteracy: only half of American adults can name one of the four Gospels, and 10 percent of Americans believe that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife. Prothero defines religious literacy-what it is, and what it is not. He also discusses the two great religious revivals in U.S. History, the Second Great Awakening of the nineteenth century and the postwar revival of the 1940s and 1950s.

He argues both the constitutionality and the necessity of teaching-with an emphasis on spreading knowledge, not inculcating values-about religion in public schools and higher education. He suggests that every U.S.

Public high school should require a course on the Bible and another on the religions of the world. And he devotes an entire chapter to 'a modest list' of a hundred or so religious terms that he deems essential, from Abraham0 to Zionism, 0 to any American's religious knowledge. A must-read on its subject.June Sawyers Copyright 2007 Booklist. Library Journal Review Prothero (chair, religion department, Boston Univ.; American Jesus) first builds a case for, then makes recommendations for, the teaching of religion in public schools and in higher education.

Citing example after example, he demonstrates that Americans lack even basic religious knowledge. He traces the decline of religious knowledge and then shows how this decline can be reversed, all in accordance with recent Supreme Court decisions. Prothero illustrates that, more than just for moral character, biblical literacy is important. There are, however, obstacles it faces, e.g., public opinion, the inability of the secular Left and religious Right to compromise. He then helps the reader get started with an 85-page 'Dictionary of Religious Literacy.'

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Religious Literacy Stephen Prothero Ebook Reader

Prothero builds a convincing and important case. His book will probably not appeal to general readers, especially when they are reminded of their lack of religious knowledge for a good portion of the first third. But it is particularly recommended for academic institutions that train our future teachers.-George Westerlund, formerly with Providence P.L., Palmyra, VA (c) Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted. ExcerptsReligious Literacy What Every American Needs to Know-And Doesn't Chapter One A Nation of Religious Illiterates Both the Religious Right and the Secular Left feel besieged.

In the Left Behind novels popular in conservative Christian circles, true believers are 'raptured' into heaven at the end of times; everyone else is 'left behind.' Today secularists are attesting to a Last Days scenario of another sort, in which the old order of reason, rights, and the separation of church and state is being replaced by a new medievalism in which the president and his acolytes answer to God rather than to the American people. This disquiet can be heard in port cities across the country, but it is particularly palpable in Manhattan, the mecca of the Secular Left, where many report that their island is starting to feel, well, like an island again, cut off from the heartland by (among other things) its cosmopolitanism.

At least for New Yorkers, it is as if the iconic Saul Steinberg cartoon of the United States according to Manhattan-an image that looks west across Ninth Avenue and the Hudson River and New Jersey to a Kansas City the size of a yellow cab and a Los Angeles no bigger than a courier's bicycle-is eerily mutating into a Grant Wood landscape, its bucolic foreground anchored not by yellow cabs but by the corn rows and church spires of Kansas, with nary a skyscraper on the horizon. 'I feel assaulted,' one New Yorker told me. 'I feel like these Christians are hiding a crucifix in their shoe. Any minute they'll pull it out and gut you.'

28 Bill O'Reilly of The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News feels assaulted too. Whereas secularists are sure that the Religious Right has taken over US politics, he is morally certain that 'secular progressives' are winning the culture wars. Christmas is 'under siege,' O'Reilly says. An 'anti-Christian jihad' is banishing Christmas trees from holiday parades, Christmas carols from public school pageants, and Christmas greetings from department stores. In the world according to O'Reilly, the ultimate aim of these criminalizers of Christmas is nothing less than banishing religion from the public square and thereby clearing the way for 'secular progressive programs like legalization of narcotics, euthanasia, abortion at will, gay marriage.' Televangelist Jerry Falwell also believes that 'radical secularists' are 'aggressively attempting to redefine America in their own Godless image,' and religious broadcaster Pat Buchanan complains about 'hate crimes against Christianity.' The mission of the Secular Left, concludes Buchanan, is 'to expunge from the public life of the West all reminders that ours was once a Christian civilization and America once a Christian country.'

29 The emotions on both sides of this question are understandable, though the irony of the situation-in which each camp sees itself as a victim and believes that the other is seizing control of the country-seems lost on everyone concerned. The fact of the matter is that, in the American marketplace of ideas, neither faith nor faithlessness is close to either bankruptcy or monopoly. Though O'Reilly may rage, Christmas (which remains a national holiday) is not fading into that good night. And theocracy-in the true sense of church-run government-is not even a twinkle in the Bush administration's eye. Much ink has been spilled, and many megabytes expended, trying to pigeonhole the nation into either 'secular America' or 'Christian America.' It has always been both. The United States is by law a secular country.

God is not mentioned in the Constitution, and the First Amendment's establishment clause forbids the state from getting into the church business. However, that same amendment also includes a free exercise clause safeguarding religious liberty, and Americans have long exercised this liberty by praying to God, donating to religious congregations, and hoping for heaven. So there is logic not only to President John Adams's affirmation in the Treaty of Tripoli in 1796 that 'the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion' but also to the Supreme Court's 1892 observation that 'this is a Christian nation.' In short, the long-standing debate about whether the United States is secular or religious is fundamentally confused. Thanks to the establishment clause, the US government is secular by law; thanks to the free exercise clause, American society is religious by choice. 30 Ever since George Washington put his hand on a Bible and swore to uphold a godless Constitution, the United States has been both staunchly secular and resolutely religious. Church and state have never been completely separated in the United States; religion and politics were bedfellows from the start.

Traditional liberals such as the political philosopher John Rawls insist that religion restrict itself to the individual heart, the pious home, and the religious congregation; religion is a private matter that will contaminate civil society if not quarantined from public life. Because religion is a 'conversation stopper,' political discourse must be conducted entirely in terms of 'public reason,' which by definition excludes religious reasons.

According to this strict separationist perspective, the wall between church and state is supposed to form, as one nineteenth-century activist once put it, 'a barrier high and eternal as the Andes.' The only alternative is 'politics as holy war.' Bush caught a lot of flak for disrespecting this church-state divide at his 2001 inauguration, which included one prayer offered by the Reverend Franklin Graham (Billy's son) in the name of 'the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit' and another offered by the United Methodist minister Kirbyjon Caldwell 'in the name that's above all other names, Jesus, the Christ.' But Bush's sin was also committed, in flagrante delicto, by Bill Clinton, whose inaugurations were unabashedly Christian affairs. Clinton's 1997 fete included a trinitarian prayer by Billy Graham, a benediction by a black Baptist preacher, and songs by no fewer than three gospel groups (one called the Resurrection Choir). Plainly, the celebrated wall of separation between church and state has never been particularly wide or sturdy. Breached nearly as often as it has been respected, this wall resembles a rickety picket fence far more than the eternal Andes.

Washington and Madison, Reagan and Clinton all declared national days of prayer or thanksgiving, and the Supreme Court still opens its sessions with 'God save the United States and this Honorable Court.' Chesterton once put it, the United States has long been 'a nation with the soul of a church.' 32 Religious Literacy What Every American Needs to Know-And Doesn't. Copyright © by Stephen Prothero. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

Available now wherever books are sold. Excerpted from Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know-and Doesn't by Stephen R. Prothero All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.