The Cleansing Of Bukhari And Muslim From Useless Hadiths Pdf Editor
This article includes a, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient. Please help to this article by more precise citations. (November 2014) Gamal al-Banna (also: Jamal al-Banna,: جمال البنا; 15 December 1920 – 30 January 2013) was an Egyptian author, and trade unionist. He was the youngest brother of (1906–49), founder of the. Al-Banna was considered a scholar, known for his criticism of Islamic traditional narratives rejecting 635 of and which he finds contradictory to the.
He was a great-uncle of the Swiss Muslim academic and writer. Contents.
Cleansing of Bukhari and Muslim Jamal al-Banna published a book in which he argues that at least 653 of the hadiths as written in Bukhari and Muslim are incorrect and should not be accepted. The Arabic book is titled: The Cleansing of Bukhari and Muslim from Useless Hadiths (2008).
Early life Born in 1920 into a pious family in, Gamal was the youngest brother of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. His father mended watches for a living but spent much time collecting and classifying hadiths. As a child he was weak and sickly, so he spent his time reading with his father. After completing secondary school he refused to go to university but decided instead to start a writing career. Thinking Gamal al-Banna represented an interpretation of Islam which is, anti-authoritarian, and.
As a political thinker and social reformer he adopted an anti-capitalist position. In Al-barnamadj al-islami ( The Islamic Program), he wrote the following in the preface, when the end of the Cold War became apparent in 1991 ('A Disrupted World', pp. 6–8): The collapse of doesn't mean that capitalism will succeed. Rather, this means that the mistakes of Marxism were bigger than the mistakes of capitalism.
Most people forget that Islam occurred at a time when the world was divided into two huge states forcing upon it humiliating subjection, class rule, and the government of tyrants. Both deprived the masses of the most fundamental principles of justice and left them in poverty and ignorance, burdened with the back-breaking load of forced labor which leaves them neither time nor health, nor opportunities to think.
Both enthroned Caesars and Chosroes as gods exerting authority over life and death. Then Islam came and destroyed these systems: it replaced the class system with its elitist barriers and dead ends by the general equality of the people, the highest ranks or the strata of notables by the declaration of absolute equality among the people, without any difference between black and white, male and female, rich and poor, base and noble. It was not the prayer or the fast that constituted the new gift, for the cultic commandments are represented in all religions. Rather, what was new was the spirit of freedom, the principles of justice and equality that Islam let shine.
Today Islam is called upon to fulfill this role a second time. ' Humanism and social justice Al-Banna was committed to the labor and trade-unionist movement for decades. He was a labor union official in the textile industry. In 1953, he founded The Egyptian Society for the Care of Prisoners and their Families. Al-Banna taught at the Cairo Institute of Trade-Union Studies for 30 years (1963–93). In 1981, he founded the International Islamic Confederation of Labor in and became its first president.
According to al-Banna, Islam is anti-capitalist. He was opposed to severe punishment, e.g.
The Cleansing Of Bukhari And Muslim From Useless Hadiths Pdf Editor Online
The death penalty for as well as in his opposition to the discrimination against women or religious minorities such as the Christians in Egypt. Egalitarianism and feminism Gamal al-Banna was a strict egalitarian: Islam gives women and men the same rights and duties, and a good Muslim regards all human beings as equal, no matter what their religion is. As for the role of women in Islam, al-Banna claimed to see no reason why a Muslim woman could not take over the role of (female: imama, i.e. Leader) in the prayer.
Liberalism For al-Banna, religious thinking may not be restricted in any way. Al-Banna's freedom of belief comprises a Muslim's conversion which does not permit anyone to harm him or her. Al-Banna wrote al-mar`a al-muslima baina tahrir al-qur'an wa taqjid al-fuqaha ( The Muslim Woman Between Being Liberated by the and Being Enchained by the Jurists). Dar al-fikr al-islami. Secularism Al-Banna was a religious Muslim who opposed the notion of an 'Islamic state', for it is abused by politicians for political ends whereby both the Muslims and Islam are harmed. He championed the separation of state and religion, to protect Muslims and Islam from the political establishment's misuse of Islam. Media Al-Banna frequently appeared on Egyptian and other Arab TV programs where he answers questions and took part in discussions (see 'Videos' below), which sometimes proved awkward for the television networks.
During 2006, e.g., he said smoking was not forbidden and that Muslims were free to smoke in the daytime during. He justified that by the fact that there were no cigarettes in the prophetic era (7th century AD) and that neither the Quran nor Messenger prohibited smoking explicitly. Other books by Gamal al-Banna not referenced above.
Jamal al-Banna, a younger brother of Hassan al-Banna (founder of the Muslim Brotherhood) has just published a book in which he argues that 653 of the hadiths as written in al-Bukhari and Muslim are incorrect and should not be accepted. The Arabic book is titled The Cleansing of Bukhari and Muslim from useless Hadiths (2008). After the Qur’an, al-Bukhari’s collection of hadiths (the acts and sayings of the prophet Muhammad) is considered the most sacred book in Islam; never before has any Muslim scholar who lives in the Arab world, thrown so much doubt – publicly - on the sources of Islam. But Mr Jamal al-Banna (86 years old now) is used to being attacked by al-Azhar, and he says he does not care. He excludes six kinds of hadiths:.
Those that explain the Qur’an: the Qur’an can’t by explained by hadiths. Those that talk bad about women - like the one’s that call them equal to dogs and cows and to beat them up and so on. Those that forbid the freedom of religion and that threaten those who leave Islam. Those with extreme ideas for encouraging people into Islam and the ones threatening people wit physical violence.
Those that talk about Muhammad’s miracles. Some others of which he thinks that the story is not true at all. An interview with him in 2005, in which he is also critical of the usage of the hadiths. Unfortunately he has no chance of success. For Muslims to accept that these Hadith are flawed they would have to explain how Allah allowed them to be accepted and retained for so long. Then they would need to ask how anyone could be sure about any Hadith. Without the Hadith, commands for Muslims to follow Mohamed as a perfect example in his words and deeds would be foolish since the Hadith are the only source of information about what he said and did.
But his words might get some more Muslims thinking about these issues and interested in how the doctrine of Islam came to be. Such knowledge is very dangerous to Islam. Anonymous said. At least one person has got the courage to challenge the lies that Bukhari and Muslim propagate in the name of Islam and Hadith. However it might not be out place to mention that most of these false hadith are quoted in these stupid books from one lier Abu Huraira who became Muslim in the later years of the Prophet Mohammad PUBH.
Not surprisingly he was a Yemeni Jew who propbably converted to Islam only to berate it from inside just as St Paul who was the head rabbi of his times converted to Chtistianity to spoil the Bible from inside. Poor believers of Bukhari and even poor the Believers of St Paul. No wonder the Jews are reviled even after 3000 years of their existence. Anonymous said.
I commend Jamal Banna for bringing forth this issue. Hadith has plagued the muslims for 1200 yrs (since they started showing up 200 yrs after Prophet Muhammed's death). Hadith has been used to come with the so called Shariah law which by all standards is entrenched in making lives more miserable than comfortable e.g. Adulterers should be stoned to death. That is not in the Quran (however it is in Torah).
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As per Snake Oil Baron's comments, what Anonymous said was exactly true and further more about Allah allowing the hadith to persist 'wrong' remains in the world so human beings can tested. Muslims were given the Quran so why are they relying on hadith. Yes, muslims can not think they only recite and try to take the easy way out.
And yes, I am a muslim too. TheNabster said. Snake Oil Baron, get your facts right.
Have you ever read, or made a genuine effort to understand to Quran? Because all we need about the life of the messenger Mohammed is recorded in the Quran, so no need for extra material, and besides, the Quran itself advocates that it is a complete scripture, with reference to the Torah and Gospel as complement which It validates. Islam is based on Quran only as clearly explained in the Quran itself. @Snake Oil Baron:You said, 'Unfortunately he has no chance of success.
For Muslims to accept that these Hadith are flawed they would have to explain how Allah allowed them to be accepted and retained for so long. ' Foot in mouth disease sir: 6:148 Those who Share (Allah's Authority) say: If Allah pleased we would not have set up nor our fathers, nor would have made anything unlawful.
Thus did those before them reject (the truth) until they tasted Our punishment. Say: Have you any knowledge so you would bring it forth to us? You only follow a conjecture and you only tell lies.
6:149 Say: Then Allah’s is the conclusive argument; so if He had pleased, He would have guided you all. 6:150 Say: Bring your witnesses who bear witness that Allah forbade this. If they bear witness, then do not thou bear witness with them. And follow not the low desires of those who reject Our messages and those who believe not in the Hereafter, and they make (others) equal with their Lord. 6:151 Say: Come! I will recite what your Lord has forbidden to you: Associate naught with Him and do good to parents and slay not your children for (fear of ) poverty - We will provide for you and for them - and draw not nigh to indecencies, open or secret, and kill not the soul which Allah has made sacred except in the course of justice.
This He enjoins upon you that you may understand. 6:152 And approach not the property of the orphan except in the best manner, until he attains his maturity. And give full measure and weight with equity - We impose not on any soul a duty except to the extent of its ability. And when you speak, be just, though it be (against) a relative. And fulfil Allah’s covenant. This He enjoins on you that you may be mindful; 6:153 And (know) that this is My path, the right one, so follow it, and follow not (other) ways, for they will lead you away from His way.
This He enjoins on you that you may keep your duty. Read the Qur'an, then your foot won't be placed in your mouth, as you just said the same thing that those Arabs said during Muhammad's lifetime.