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Phillip, if you can get to a Guitar Center near you, they now have all the expansion kits, with Superior Drummer, loaded onto their computer in the recording demo room. They recently added that and other softsynths, etc.
So people could check them out, because most sample based instruments cannot really have downloadable demos because of their file size. You don't have to buy them there (although they may be able to price match if you want), but at least you can listen. Most guitar centers are the same, but you may want to first call them to make sure they have it installed. It's hard to know what to recommend without knowing what kind of music you do.
But here's a couple of ideas. Metal Foundry is good for more than just metal. It can be used for pop/rock also. Maybe even ballads. Music City is good for more than just country.
It would be geat for ballads, adult contemporary (like John Mayer, etc.) and even some light rock. Custom and Vintage is the least useful, unless you're specifically doing that 70's really dry sound.
It doesn't even come with room mics, other than 1 mono mic (and it's a very small room sound). Though if that's the sound you're after, it does sound very good. The New York studios is a pretty versatile one. If you don't know where to start, this may be the first one to get.
Keep in mind that while this is just right now doing this, Toontrack does these specials every 2-3 months with several dealers. So if you can't afford all of them right now, it won't be long before they run it again and you can get more. Also, in Superior Drummer, you can also use the EZX expansion kits. Some of them are unique, like the Electronic one (which sounds really good). But in the case of the Nashville one, you'll want to just get Music City, which is the same stuff, but with more samples and articulations, and in 24 bit vs. I've been using Superior for quite a while. I have C&V, Metal Foundry, and NY Studios.
I absolutely love Metal Foundry, and I don't do Metal at all. It's really versatile and just really hits the spot on any genre of rock. Be it punk rock, indie rock, classic hard rock, etc. If I could do it all over again I might skip getting C&V, although at the time the MIDI that came with C&V was very songwriter oriented, and that was a big draw for me. NY Studios has the Black Beauty Big Room kit in the Allaire package, and you just gotta hear it to Appreciate the sweetness of it. I'm very curious about Music City, but I've Already bought way more Toontrack stuff than I need.
They really make a great product though.
.well if Rob can hijack this, so can I! Just about to buy SD as I'm fed up of tearing my hair out trying to mix other peoples drum recordings. I think I'm virtually up to speed with what it does and how, but for those who've had some time with it, what do you think of the default supplied drumsets? Are there any expansion sets that are unlivable without?
I'm mostly doing rock and derivatives, I'll get specific stuff if I need it for metal. I was looking at the vintage rock set. Also, to double check, I can authorise it on a non-internet computer, yes?
With apologies to the OP, many thanks people.well if Rob can hijack this, so can I! Just about to buy SD as I'm fed up of tearing my hair out trying to mix other peoples drum recordings.
I think I'm virtually up to speed with what it does and how, but for those who've had some time with it, what do you think of the default supplied drumsets? Are there any expansion sets that are unlivable without?
I'm mostly doing rock and derivatives, I'll get specific stuff if I need it for metal. I was looking at the vintage rock set. Also, to double check, I can authorise it on a non-internet computer, yes?
Superior Drummer 3 Crack
With apologies to the OP, many thanks people. Superior Drummer 2 is my primary digital drum kit. My current favorite set of samples for it are the 'Hit Factory' drums and cymbals from the 'Lost New York Studios Vol.
2' expansion pack. A quick test I did from my V-Drums, playing that kit. The Lost NY Studios expansion pack also includes samples done at Allaire, which includes a 26' Slingerland kick that can be used to create a nice Bonham-esque kit. Here's a sample of those samples in use. Thought Power Station became Avatar and is still operational.? Avatar is what Superior Drummer 2 comes with, which is the exact same kit (but with more samples, more mics, and no pre-processing with FX) as what comes with EZ-Drummer.

Avatar is still in biz AFAIK, but Hit Factory and Allaire are no more. I think it's.way. cool that Toontrack grabbed some samples in those rooms before they closed them. The room sound on these samples is so big and spacious, I don't even use any verb on my drums any more, unless I'm going for an effect with it. PS Nice drum tracks Glennbo, making me more eager to get my hands on this.

I can literally close my eyes while jamming on my pad kit, and forget that it is a pad kit. Toontrack has one of, if not the best sample playback engines for drums on the planet. It tracks all the nuances of my V-Drums, including cymbal rolls that crescendo, cymbal chokes, and even hihat foot splashes, where you pop the hihat pedal, producing an effect similar to that of orchestral cymbals clapping together and releasing. I use hihat foot splashes all the time live, where I play a quarter note feel with my left foot while playing eighths on the ride cymbal. Superior Drummer 2 tracks that same stuff digitally quite well. Also, to double check, I can authorise it on a non-internet computer, yes?
In EZdrummer which I'm assuming is the same thing, being on the same website, you get four installs which can be done for a non connected computer. The code is only good for one computer as it is based on the windows serial number I assume that once you get the return code from your first install, it'll work for any subsequent re-installs on that same computer.
I don't like being told that a licence I've paid for is limited like that. I won't transfer computers very often, but I may reinstall plugins after a clearout or HD change on the same machine; if that was limited then I'd struggle to make it last a couple of years!
Glennbo -the SD I'm about to buy is 'The New York Studio Legacy Series Vol 1', is this different from yours? Does it not have the Powerstation/Avatar samples on it? Maybe it's been updated since yours?
I was looking at getting the vintage set and then maybe the NY Vol 2 and Barresi sets based on recommendation. If the Avatar samples aren't included, how am I to get that 'Born in th USA' snare sound;). I can literally close my eyes while jamming on my pad kit, and forget that it is a pad kit.
Toontrack has one of, if not the best sample playback engines for drums on the planet. It tracks all the nuances of my V-Drums, including cymbal rolls that crescendo, cymbal chokes, and even hihat foot splashes, where you pop the hihat pedal, producing an effect similar to that of orchestral cymbals clapping together and releasing. I use hihat foot splashes all the time live, where I play a quarter note feel with my left foot while playing eighths on the ride cymbal. Superior Drummer 2 tracks that same stuff digitally quite well. Is it really that reponsive for live playing? I expected some latency with a MIDI-connected pad kit feeding a computer-hosted plugin. My brother bought his kids a good V-Drum kit (mesh-heads, nice feel), might have to borrow it (else use my old SDS9 setup:) ).
Glennbo -the SD I'm about to buy is 'The New York Studio Legacy Series Vol 1', is this different from yours? Does it not have the Powerstation/Avatar samples on it? Maybe it's been updated since yours? 1 I got was the base engine and Avatar kit. I then added Vol. 2 which got me the Hit Factory and Allaire samples.
I already had Superior 1 and DKFH for EZ-Drummer, so I had a lot of kits and samples to pick from. My favorite kits are from Hit Factory, Allaire, and a DW kit from Superior 1. Is it really that reponsive for live playing? I expected some latency with a MIDI-connected pad kit feeding a computer-hosted plugin. My brother bought his kids a good V-Drum kit (mesh-heads, nice feel), might have to borrow it (else use my old SDS9 setup:) ). I run my M-Audio Delta AP2496 card at 64 samples latency, which is like 1ms one way trip.
I think it's like 2.5ms or something round trip, but it plays real tight, all the way down to extremely fast double stroke snare drum rolls. It feels as tight as playing the V-Drums hardware sounds. 1 I got was the base engine and Avatar kit. I then added Vol. 2 which got me the Hit Factory and Allaire samples. I already had Superior 1 and DKFH for EZ-Drummer, so I had a lot of kits and samples to pick from. My favorite kits are from Hit Factory, Allaire, and a DW kit from Superior 1.
My error, the included sets are from the two defunct studios and Avatar. I'd seen the Hit Factory and Allaire names while reading through and overlooked the Avatar mention.
It's all making much more sense now: 'Toontrack Superior Drummer 2.0 The New York Studio Legacy Series was recorded by Pat Thrall, Neil Dorfsman and Nir Z at Hit Factory, Avatar Studios and Allaire studios, NY.' Looking forward to getting my teeth into this. I assume that once you get the return code from your first install, it'll work for any subsequent re-installs on that same computer. I don't like being told that a licence I've paid for is limited like that. I won't transfer computers very often, but I may reinstall plugins after a clearout or HD change on the same machine; if that was limited then I'd struggle to make it last a couple of years! I have not tried this yet.
Toontrack Superior Drummer Free
If it works like the other software I've used that authorizes like this, you reinstall windows and you need a new serial number, you restore from a mirrored drive you don't. The website lists the serial number for that computer for later use I have changed midi devices and installed other plugins with no problem. Here's from their support site about additional codes I need more authorization codes, what should I do? Solution: Please click the 'Contact Support' button at the bottom of this FAQ and fill out the form presented to you on the following screen. It is essential that you include the correct serial number(s) for the product(s) you would like to request authorization codes for, as well as a short explanation as to why you need new code generations added to your account, for example following a machine upgrade. IMPORTANT: Please only request new codes if none are available to you for a particular product and as a result authorization is not possible, or if you have used up your last code generation and would like to preemptively free up your unused seats (your 'My Products' page will display 4/4, next to the appropriate product, in both scenarios).
Requests for credit of additional codes when generations are not at their maximum value for your product may be ignored, at our discretion, regardless of reason leading to the situation, thus in order to minimize response time for users requiring codes following unforeseen conditions or a system disaster. In other words, we ask that you do not request additional codes if nothing would prevent you from generating codes at this stage. Thank you for your help and understanding. Planetnine, just so yout clear on the drum packs etc. SD2 comes stock with the Avatar kit only!! The expansion kits for SD2 are Music city USA SDX Custom & Vintage SDX ( I have this and like it alot ) The metal foundry SDX New york studios SDX, Vol 2, ( this is the Hit factory / Alaire studios your talking about ) The EZX expansion packs ( for EZ drummer ) also work fine in SD2 but are a little less detailed than the SDX packs. Although you do get the added FX & mixer capability when using EZX packs in SD2.
HTH's Cheers. Following up on planetnine's comments. FYI, when you authorize Toontrack products, make sure your hardware setup is finalized. I used up one of my 4 allowed authorizations because when I authorized I had my motherboard LAN enabled in the BIOS setup (my music DAWs are not internet connected, but I do connect the first day or two during the build/install phase for ease of driver downloads and authorizations). After I got everything set up and working, I disabled the motherboard LAN.
And had to use up another authorization to get my Toontrack products to work. Following up on planetnine's comments. FYI, when you authorize Toontrack products, make sure your hardware setup is finalized. I used up one of my 4 allowed authorizations because when I authorized I had my motherboard LAN enabled in the BIOS setup (my music DAWs are not internet connected, but I do connect the first day or two during the build/install phase for ease of driver downloads and authorizations). After I got everything set up and working, I disabled the motherboard LAN. And had to use up another authorization to get my Toontrack products to work.
That's a bit shite, I'll be asking for more authorisations within a month! And people wonder why software is cracked. Goes to show how lucky we are with REAPER.
Only thing I know about playing drums is that I don't know squat so I don't need a very big kit to get started. Ability to add on later would be nice though. That's a set of Roland V-Drums. The brain is a TD-6, and the 4 more grey looking pads for the four toms (2 rack toms and 2 floor toms), are single trigger pads, where all the darker pads are dual trigger (rim and center on the snare), which I use for my cymbals so I can have two levels of open and two levels of closed on my hihat, and things like ride cymbal with a bell, or two completely different cymbals like crash and China on one pad. All together, I have 18 completely different striking surfaces on that kit, so I can have a lot of variation to make it sound more realistic when playing through to Superior Drummer 2 in Reaper. That's a set of Roland V-Drums.
The brain is a TD-6, and the 4 more grey looking pads for the four toms (2 rack toms and 2 floor toms), are single trigger pads, where all the darker pads are dual trigger (rim and center on the snare), which I use for my cymbals so I can have two levels of open and two levels of closed on my hihat, and things like ride cymbal with a bell, or two completely different cymbals like crash and China on one pad. All together, I have 18 completely different striking surfaces on that kit, so I can have a lot of variation to make it sound more realistic when playing through to Superior Drummer 2 in Reaper.
Are both the single trigger and dual trigger pads pressure sensitive and will Superior pick up on that? Like will a soft tap be distinguished from a sharp, hard crack? That's a set of Roland V-Drums. The brain is a TD-6, and the 4 more grey looking pads for the four toms (2 rack toms and 2 floor toms), are single trigger pads, where all the darker pads are dual trigger (rim and center on the snare), which I use for my cymbals so I can have two levels of open and two levels of closed on my hihat, and things like ride cymbal with a bell, or two completely different cymbals like crash and China on one pad. All together, I have 18 completely different striking surfaces on that kit, so I can have a lot of variation to make it sound more realistic when playing through to Superior Drummer 2 in Reaper. I have the same V-drumkit.
The only downside, I am not a drummer:( I end up, programming or using jamstix for MIDI. I looked for local drummers to help me with my recordings, but it didn't work out so far.
Any time you feel like it, come down and have a play. I have EZDrummer with the Nashville expansion and the Latin Percussion, also Superior Drummer. All kits work in SD includin gthe EZD ones. I am triggering with a TD8 but all mesh heads and all cymbal type cymbal pads. I am struggling to get good hi hat control from the CY5 and FD8 combination, though.
Part of it may be my useless drumming, but so far the hi hat is the only weak link in my particular chain. Now saving up for a VH-12. My kit grew from a bunch of cheap Alesis pads and an trigger IO and I am now very happy with it, as are visitng drummists. And amazingly the built in sounds in the Roland are OK for just rehearsal/practice sessions. I run through an rme 9652 set at 32 samples and latency is to all intents and purposes non existent now.
Under 2ms round trip if the reported figures and my ears are to be believed. All sounds good, guys, just need a bit of free time and a few invoices to return paid and I'll get set up. I've heard enough to be convinced, and I've had some good results replacing kicks, some snares and a few toms using freebie sampler plugins. I've just had some drum recordings to mix where it might be easier if I just replaced the whole lot, and after investigating EZD and SD, I've realised that SD, either beat-replaced or played, will save me much time and pain, giving me a much better result, too. Whereabouts is your UK hidey-hole Ivan?
-might take you up on your offer. Gotta get back to mixing:o/. Subscribing to this thread to digest later. What e-drum kits are you guys using? I'm really curious about these but I have no clue which ones are compatible with Superior and Reaper and among those, which are more geared towards drum and MIDI noobs such as myself.
Here's a few pics of my kit in it's current state. Front view Drummer's view Photoshoot for Feb 2011 Digital Drummer Magazine Lol:D Neo (my cat) has to get his face into at least one of my photo's when I get the camera out!!!:) That's one monster sized kit!!!
I used to have this Yamaha/Roland kit that was three rows of pads, but it was nowhere near as good as my much smaller kit of V-Drums for accurately tracking what I played. I see you've got a Roland TMC6 controller in the mix. I've thought about buying one of those and a handful of pads to create a sooper portable midi drum controller to use with Superior Drummer.