Microsoft Office Access 2007 Forms Reports And Queries Ebook Torrents

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  1. Paul McFedries
  2. Computers - Data Base Management

In this book, Matthew MacDonald walks you through the features of Access 2010 in a clear, easy-to-understand manner. The book covers a comprehensive array of features, including:. Concept material on. Database design and data types. Sorting, filtering and searching. Relationships between tables. Data queries of all shapes and sizes.


Report creation. Creating forms for a user interface. Advanced programming and automating tasks This is a true beginner's guide, written for those with absolutely no experience with Access 2010. It features highly descriptive screenshot captions that explain exactly how to complete a task. This book from Que offers a unique way to learn more about Access 2010.

Copyright 2007; Dimensions: 7x9-1/8; Pages: 408; Edition: 1st. Book; ISBN-10: 0-7897-3669-1; ISBN-13: 978-0-7897-3669-7; eBook (Adobe DRM); ISBN-10: 0-7686-7441-7; ISBN-13: 978-0-7686-7441-5. “Everything you need to master Access 2007 forms, reports, and queries.” –Charles Carr, Reviews Editor,.

  • 'Everything you need to master Access 2007 forms, reports, and queries.' -Charles Carr, Reviews Editor, 'ComputorEdge' Magazine Create Forms for Business Ensure Data Entry Accuracy Build Elegant Form Interfaces Collect Data Via Email Design Effective Business Reports Make an Invoice Report Create Mailing Labels Extract Data Work with Multiple Tables Calculate Discounts Analyze Data Develop.
  • Microsoft Office Access 2007 Forms, Reports, and Queries 'Everything you need to master Access 2007 forms, reports, and queries.' -Charles Carr, Reviews Editor, ComputorEdge Magazine Create Forms for Business Ensure Data Entry Accuracy Build Elegant Form Interfaces Collect Data Via Email Design Effective Business Reports Make an Invoice Report Create Mailing Labels Extract Data Work with.

It includes the typical topics you'd expect to see in a beginner's reference guide, including manipulating data, using, forms and reports, creating databases and tables, using to enhance queries, automating databases with macros, sharing data with other applications and putting databases on the web. In addition, it has two great supplemental video features with the free web edition. The first, 'Show Me' videos, walks you step-by-step through some of the tasks outlined in the book. These are great for visual learners who prefer to be shown how to complete a task. Also, the 'Tell Me More' audio provides additional insight into book topics. This 1300+ page tome offers an amazingly complete reference to the entire Access 2010 product. This book is often used as a textbook in Access courses and includes a free CD that enables you to follow along with the examples.

Paul McFedries

The CD includes Access databases that contain the data from each chapter of the book—you can walk through the examples exactly as they appear in print. It also contains a searchable PDF of the book that you can use to keep your knowledge with you on the go if you don't want to haul this heavy book around with you. You don't have to be a dummy to appreciate 'Access 2010 for Dummies.' This book, written in the world-famous Dummies style, provides readers with a gentle introduction to the world of databases and Microsoft Access 2010.

Computers - Data Base ManagementComputers - Data Base Management

Computers - Data Base Management

It's chock full of examples and is sure to please the novice user. While brevity is this book's strength, it is also its limitation. If you're looking for detailed explanations or in-depth examples, the Dummies series is not the right place for you. You'd be better off with the 'Microsoft Access 2010 Bible.' On the other hand, if you want a quick overview of Microsoft Access 2010 written in a clear, accessible style, you'll want to check out 'Access 2010 for Dummies.'