Double Manual Piano

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Double manual piano. The double manuals on this piano serve a very different purpose. A C with the thumb on the lower manual and a C on the upper keyboard with his little finger. Posts about Piano & Harpsichord written by walterbitner. You originally thought. Anna is a ten year old double-manual Franco-Flemish harpsichord. Double manual piano. The double manuals on this piano serve a very different purpose. A C with the thumb on the lower manual and a C on the upper keyboard with his little finger. Posts about Piano & Harpsichord written by walterbitner. You originally thought. Anna is a ten.

I have no excuse for feeling uncomfortable about manual hopping on the organ, with this piano to practice on. This splendid instrument belongs to a trust, but lives with me. The keyboards are essentially an 8′ and a 4′ working on a single set of strings – on the upper keyboard a linkage operates the hammer an octave higher than the key you have depressed. You can even couple the two keyboards together, like a harpsichord. The idea is that octave passages, 10ths and so on can be spread between the two keyboards, making Rachmaninov, Chopin and the like much easier to play. The system was invented by Emmanuel Moor in the 1920s and 30s.

Double Piano Stand

He was a Hungarian composer and pianist (had lessons from Liszt), who developed strong ideas on the reformation of the piano. Winifred Christie-Moor His wife, concert pianist Winifred Christie-Moor, promoted the instrument tirelessly across Europe and America, and it was taken seriously enough for Pleyel, Bosendorfer, Bechstein and Steinway all to produce examples – the trust also looks after several Moor double keyboard grand pianos. As pianists would need to relearn their whole repertoire to play on it (and pianists, I suspect, also like using thunderous octave passages to show off), the idea was probably doomed from the start, and once the European piano manufacturers had picked themselves up from the destruction of WW2, no one was interested any more. Mine is probably the only upright Moor piano to survive. It’s got a lovely sonorous tone, particularly in the bass. Quite a heavy action because of all the coupling inside – but good practice for surviving on a tracker organ!

I have loads more information about Moor pianos. If you are interested, make a comment, and I’ll post some more.

Bach wrote the Goldberg Variations, he specified that they were to be played on an instrument with two manuals, or keyboards. The Metropolitan Museum's Musical Instruments collection is home to one of only sixty double-manual pianos ever made. The brilliant Christopher Taylor has actively promoted the rediscovery of this unique instrument, and performs Bach's most ambitious work in its entirety on a —as Bach had intended. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750): Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 Christopher Taylor, piano Aria Variation 1.

Canone all'Unisono a 1 Clav. A 1 ovvero 2 Clav. Canone alla Seconda a 1 Clav.

A ovvero 2 Clav. Al tempo di Giga Variation 8.

Canone alla Terza a 1 Clav. Variation 10. Variation 11. Variation 12. Canone alla Quarta a 1 Clav.

Variation 13. Variation 14. Variation 15. Canone alla Quinta in moto contrario a 1 Clav. Intermission Variation 16. Ouverture a 1 Clav. Variation 17.

Variation 18. Canone alla Sesta a 1 Clav. Variation 19. Variation 20. Variation 21. Canone alla Settima a 1 Clav.

Double piano stand

Variation 22. Variation 23. Variation 24. Canone all'Ottava a 1 Clav. Variation 25. Variation 26. Variation 27.

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Canone alla Nona a 2 Clav. Variation 28. Variation 29. A 1 ovvero 2 Clav. Variation 30. Quodlibet a 1 Clav. Aria da capo e fine Recorded November 21, 2014 This program is in conjunction with the 125th anniversary of the Metropolitan Museum's Department of Musical Instruments.